Flight Instructors, are you having problems teaching or need guidance or advice from an experienced flight instructor to help you using real life flight training experience and not just FAA textbook stuff?

Student Pilots, are you struggling to understand and searching for the information that will make sense of it all? Are you feeling overwhelmed and wondering if you’ll ever be able to get your private pilot license?

If you have flight training questions or comments, let me know! I want to give you good information. I want to write about what you want to read. It makes it hard without feedback. There are a lot of people visiting this site and only a handful that communicate. You can comment on any of my posts so that others may learn from your questions. Many send emails but if you use the comment section under each post then it will give others more to read and learn about.

Student Pilots:

Are you a student pilot struggling to understand something?

Do you not understand what your instructor is trying to tell you?

Are you looking for an easier way to remember things?

Are you unsure how to prep for your private pilot checkride?


Flight Instructors:

Are you a new CFI and not sure how to get started?

Do you have problems communicating your message to your students?

Have you run into a problem with a student that you don’t know how to solve?

Do you struggle making things easy to understand?

Not sure how to prep private pilot students or how to use scenario based testing?

Do you know how to prep a student pilot for their private pilot checkride?

I’m open to pilots too that may have questions. I just need your feedback so I know what you guys want.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Take Care,
