Finding the right 10 Day IFR Rating program
There are many accelerated instrument rating programs out there to choose from; some use simulators and some fly real planes in real IFR. There are experienced and inexperienced instructors. Some work out of a hangar, FBO or a small room and some work out of a big fancy building. Choosing a simulator to save money may be the goal for some and getting in the system as much as possible is the goal for others. If you have your own airplane and are considering an accelerated IFR course, you have to figure out what you are looking for and be sure that the program you choose fits your needs.
Here is an article on choosing an accelerated instrument rating course. It talks about some of the details you should consider when choosing a course. Big and fancy is not always the best. This training program promotes flying in actual IMC as much as possible, which I agree is better than a simulator. The fastest way to get used to something is to immerse yourself in it and use it as much as possible. If you want detailed instruction that will make you a better, safer pilot and average is not acceptable to you, then this is what you want.
You can read the article here: Choosing an accelerated instrument rating program
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