An easier alternative to the same old, boring, technical & hard to follow aviation training material


Flight Training E-Lessons
Why buy a whole book when you are struggling with just one or two areas? You can get just the lessons you need.
Flight Training Problem Areas
Simple, step by step explanations for common problem areas in flight training. We’ve eliminated the technical language to make it as easy as possible for you!
No More Struggling To Understand
These are not the typical explanations that you find everywhere else. They are designed to get results that work.
Flying to a Towered Airport
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What Our Customers Are Saying
Don’t just take it from us, let our customers do the talking!
“Hi Joe,
I read through the VOR lesson today from your website. THANK YOU!
Before getting your VOR lesson, I read both the test prep and handbook sections on VOR’s from other books and could follow what they were saying but not apply it. I would take practice tests and get several of the questions wrong.
After I read your booklet, I went straight to the Gleim and ASA test prep questions. The only one I missed was because I estimated a length (NM on a chart) incorrectly. So it works! I had to go back and reread my textbook to see why I was so confused in the first place because it seemed straight forward after your description.
I think the reason I understood your method better was you described and then applied each portion of a difficult topic individually. The difference seemed to be you took each part; Radial, CDI and to/from, explained it and then immediately demonstrated how to apply it. Like–you’ve got to learn to hold altitude in level flight before you start practicing stalls with minimum altitude loss. I’m still working on that one.
Have a good week“
“Just watched your control tower video. It was GREAT!!!!! Just what I needed. Thank you soooo much. I’m off to find a control tower airport with confidence now”
“Thank you for all your efforts in setting forth a safe training environment and professional approach in aviation training.”
“Thanks for the great tips! I look forward to getting them and I always learn something. Thanks!”
“Great learning material, timely information and interesting stories. Thanks for taking the time to put the site together.”
Regarding the article on How to Find the 45° Entry…
“BTW, this tip was a really good one. I tried it in flight this weekend and it really works! I’m usually busy drawing my approach to an airport on my kneeboard!”
“Joe, great stuff on your web site. I love your approach to training!”
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Digital Products and Training Videos
If you’re struggling with just a couple of areas in flight training, then why buy a whole book to solve your problem when you can get just the lesson you need? These e-lessons cover common problem areas of flight training broken down into easy to understand steps, eliminating the technical language and confusion!
This is not the same “hard to understand” training material you are used to seeing. These e-lessons are written in a casual & easy to understand format with you in mind. Many hours went into each e-lesson to be sure they cover everything you need to know while keeping them simple enough to be sure you get it. Available for immediate download in PDF format for easy access on your iPad or other device.
Get just the lesson you need! Click here for more details of each item.
These e-lessons focus on the pilot getting an Instrument rating, detailing common weak areas in IFR training. This training will prepare you for exactly what you need to know to fly IFR in the real world. Learn exactly how, when & why to do certain things and how to always stay ahead by knowing what will happen next. These e-lessons are also available for immediate download in PDF format for easy access on your iPad or other device.
Get just the lesson you need! Click here for more details of each item.
Frequently Asked Questions
What makes your material different?
They are designed by an instructor with close to 6000 hours of dual instruction given and over 7000 hours of total time. Over the years he has learned ways to get the message across to students. Most of the technical language has been eliminated and put into a format to help you visualize and understand what the current material is unable to do.
Do you have any physical products?
No, all of our products are digital products. The e-lessons are delivered in PDF format and the other products we offer are online access.
What if I have questions or suggestions?
Send us an email. We love to hear from you, whether it is a question about a product, a problem or just to say hi. We are also open to hearing feedback, or suggestions about products or posts you’d like to see. If you’d like to write an article to put on our site, send us an email with the details.
More Aviation Training Products
We’re working hard to create more valuable products for you. All of them are designed to be as simple as possible to understand.
Private Pilot Oral Exam Prep With a Pass Your Checkride Guarantee!
Best Value- One of the Most Realistic, True to Life Courses Anywhere
- Details Exactly What You Need to Know to Properly Prepare for Your Checkride
- Straight Forward & Easy to Follow Instructions
- Exact Method Used by an Experienced CFI to Pass All His Students
- Walks You through Just About Every Line in the PTS
- How to Properly Present Information to the Examiner to Guarantee Success & Avoid Surprises
Aviation Weather Made Easy
- This is the Weather Section of Our Private Pilot Oral Exam Prep Training Made into a Stand Alone-Product +You Can Upgrade at Any Time to the Full Set of the Oral Exam Prep Videos +Focuses on Making it as Easy as Possible to Understand & Analyze the Weather +Includes a Trip Demo Showing Each Chart for the Route & What to Look For +Covers all Charts in the PTS +Feel Confident in Making a “Go, No Go” Decision
Don't Be Shy
If we didn’t answer all of your questions, feel free to send us an email anytime.